Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Un Mélange de Choses Belge

Whew! This past week has been quite the whirlwind of things. School definitely picked up last week, so it's officially studying abroad now. The weekend before last I was in Lille and realized I forgot to add a photo of me and some friends, so I decided to throw that back in this post. Anyways, last weekend was booked. The Salon du Chocolat was in Brussels for the weekend, so how could we pass up hunting for free samples? I'm also excited to be in one of the chocolate capitals of Europe for Valentine's Day just because it's more of an excuse to eat chocolate. One of the photos above is of a chocolate fashion show at the salon, which was pretty funny to see. 

Other than tasting any and all chocolate, I was back in Bruges on Sunday with my art class, so I was able to get some better pictures. It was still cold and rainy, but the sun managed to come out in the afternoon. With traveling and homework, I've stayed quite busy and cannot believe it is already February. I already know I am not going to be ready to come back to the States in May, so I wish time would slow down!

Up next for this weekend: Exploring Wallonia (Southern French speaking Belgium) and Antwerp with my art class on Sunday. I'll keep you updated on these adventures! Miss everyone back in the States bunches. 



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